Jumaat pagi aku sampai rumah akak di Kota Damansara. Sebelum tidur, aku hantar mesej kepada Isabel. "Malam ni ada band called Deepset perform kat wondermilk cafe for the launching of their debut EP. Jom pergi tengok?"
Aku tidur. Bangun semula jam 9.50 pagi. Ada satu mesej. Daripada Isabel. "I would love to go tapi tak sure lagi. Kalau pergi, you nak I pergi macam mane?" Aku jawab, "I boleh jemput you, just give the direction to your house."
Seperti biasa, wanita bekerjaya memang susah mahu balas mesej. Aku sabar menunggu. Petang, dapat mesej daripada Isabel. "Dear, I cannot make it. So sorry. Petang ni pun tak sure balik bila." Seperti biasa, aku jawab "Ouh, it's ok for me. I understand it." Hampa tapi aku nafikan, aku sembunyikan.
Lepas Maghrib, aku bersiap. Sampai di wondermilk cafe, aku dapat mesej daripada Isabel. "You balik UTP bila? Kita jumpa Ahad malam, ok?" Habis baca mesej aku tersenyum. Aku balas. "Ok. My pleasure, dear." Terdetik untuk tanya sesuatu, aku hantar mesej lagi kepada Isabel. "You and your boyfriend dah berapa lama couple? I tak rasa lama sebab from my research, I rasa you baru je couple." Selang beberapa saat, Isabel balas mesej. "Yups, baru a few months. You terlambat sikit je."
Aku mengeluh. Teori berjaya dibuktikan. "I'm a man who always miss the opportunity when it comes to a cute girl." Tapi kali ini fikiran positif kata, "Just go on with the flow and just be good to her. If she likes you, definitely she will come to you." Aku angguk. Akur dengan fikiran positif.
Again, God, "Could you please help me to erase the word, 'imaginary' from 'imaginary girlfriend'? This time try to erase it abit faster."
Dan sambungan seterusnya mengenai perbualan aku dan Isabel malam itu, kamu boleh baca ini.
8 years ago
Sigh. Siot a.
when are u going to post her pics? :D
Ha ha ha.If you nak cerita Isabel tamat, then I'll post her pics.
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