Friday, January 30, 2009

Art Syndrome @ Independent Day Out 2, SJK (C) Yuk Choy Hall, Ipoh, 31 Jan'09.

Map to SJK (C) Yuk Choy Hall, Ipoh

Art Syndrome will join other clothing labels at Independent Day Out 2 this coming Saturday, 31 Jan'09!

Some free stickers to be given out for those who come and visit our booth.

See you guys there!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Album: Whitewater Rafting @ Sg. Selangor

For more photos, you guys can view at: Whitewater Rafting @ Sg. Selangor

Album: Waqeef

Hawa tercipta di dunia untuk menemani sang Adam,
Begitu juga dirimu tercipta tuk temani aku.
-Dua Sejoli by Dewa-

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bakat terpendam.

Bangun pagi jam 12.12 p.m. Masuk bilir air, aku kencing dan gosok gigi.

Sambil gosok gigi, aku dah terfikir nak makan apa untuk breakfast.

Kakak dan keluarga tiada di rumah. Balik ke Melaka sempena Chinese New Year.

Bibik yang tak pandai masak itu pun ikut serta balik Melaka.

Selesai di bilik air, aku turun ke dapur.

Buka peti sejuk bahagian atas, cari apa-apa yang boleh dimasak.

Sosej habis, ayam pun habis. Yang tinggal hanya ikan.

"Takkan aku nak masak ikan?" keluh aku dalam hati.

Aku buka peti sejuk bahagian bawah, aku capai 2 biji telur.

"Masak scramble egg ok gak ni," kata aku.

Aku capai kuali letak atas dapur, nyalakan api dan tuang minyak.

2 biji telur tadi aku pecahkan, aku tambah sedikit garam.

Aku ambil bawang kecil dan kupas sebelum aku potong dan masukkan sekali ke dalam telur.

Hasilnya scramble egg yang sedap.

Dah, aku lapar, nak makan scramble egg yang sedap.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Album: KLPac Open Day'09.

Jae & Yeow Mei Lyn

Shazwan, Yuna & Jae

Afun, Arai, Jae & Dan
Jae & Huda

Jae, Kuman & Shazwan

Art Syndrome @ Youth Square Bazaar, 24 Jan'09.

Art Syndrome will be @ Youth Square Bazaar selling all their brand new t-shirts such as:

1. Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet That Has Me.
2. Aku Cinta Muzik
3. Oldtimer Musicians

Some free stickers to be given out for those who come and visit our booth.

See you guys there!

Aku, kau dan masa depan.

By umur kita 30 tahun, kita mesti dah jadi someone, somebody. Ok bro? :)

P/S: Jangan minum air kencing setan lagi, tak bagus, tuhan marah.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Promosi: Deepset New T-Shirts

Navy Blue "SUN"
Maroon "Eye"

Pre-Order Price RM 25/pcs
Price does not include postage charges
Pre-Order DP is expected to pay total price of a T-shirt + postage

Pre-order available from:
23 January 2009 till 3 February 2009

Delivery will be handled on 6-10 February 2009
Place your order at
We will conduct you on Payment Terms and Conditions.

Provide us details :

1) Navy Blue - “Sun”
2) Maroon - “Eye”

Sizing Details:
S 18
M 20
ML 21
L 22
XL 23
XXL 24
* All measurements shown in inches

Name: Ameirul Azraie Bin Mustadza
Item & Size: Navy Blue (M)
Quantity: 1
Phone Number : 0129313180

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Great news for me, bad news for him; I guess so.

Hammad Hazim will be joining me at UTP.

I just can say to him, "Welcome to hell my friend. Hopefully you can adapt yourself here."

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yes man!

Resolusi tahun baru 2009 yang agak terlambat 17 hari.

Katakan YA kepada semua perkara. 

Semoga perkara yang baik-baik akan berlaku terhadap aku.


Art Syndrome @ KLPac​ Open Day, 18 Jan 2009.

Art Syndrome will be at KLPac​ this weeke​nd​ like serio​usly!​ 

It'​ll be a low key affai​r,​ no bling​ bling​,​ just Bijou​ peeps​ shopp​ing,​ chill​ing,​ messi​ng about​ at the Lawn + Deck toget​her.​ 

We'​ll be '​sepel​aung'​ away from the acous​tic stage​.​ The line ups:

10:​30 Darre​n An Hones​t Mista​ke
11:​00 Izzy Moham​ed
11:​30 Tony Leo
12:​00 Ray + Ash
12:​30 Goh Lee Kwang​
13:​00 Rendr​a Zawaw​i
13:​30 Peter​ Brown​ & Marki​sa
14:​00 Tony Leo
14:​30 Rashd​an Harit​h
15:​00 The Snow Symph​ony
15:​30 Miche​al Chen
16:​00 Azmyl​ Yunor​

So,​ bring​ your picni​c blank​et + frisb​ees,​ shop + hang out​ with us @ KLPac​ Open Day this Sunday,​ 18 Janua​ry 2009 betwe​en 10 am - 5 pm y'​all!​

Hope to see you folks​ this Sunda​y!​ 

Friday, January 16, 2009

Nasihat seorang ayah kepada anaknya.

Balik kerja aku berbaring di katil. Jam sudah pukul 7.30 malam.

Badan terasa penat. Dalam otak banyak benda yang difikirkan.

Kalau tengok muka di cermin waktu ini, pasti nampak seperti orang baru kalah judi.

"Banyak benda yang perlu diselesaikan ni sebelum mula semester baru ni," getus aku dalam hati.

Ayah yang dari tadi berada di dalam bilik air membuka pintu bilik air, sudah siap mandi membersihkan diri.

"Kenapa muka cam banyak masalah je?" tanya ayah aku meneka.

"Hurm, cam banyak benda nak kena fikir, banyak benda nak kena buat..," keluh aku pada ayah minta simpati.

"Kalau ada masalah, minta tolong kat Allah dengan solat. Insya Allah, selesai semua masalah tu nanti. Dah la tu, pergi mandi dan solat Maghrib," kata ayah dengan tenang.

"Baik bos!" kata aku sambil bangun dan capai tuala menuju ke bilik air.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Quote for today.

"The harder, the better" -Hard Rock-

Still figuring out, is there any thing that is better when it is getting harder other than this.

Ooops, sorry.

Mengenai tarikh 21 March. Aku pelik, Facebook punya application boleh baca minda aku ke?

Duduk kat pejabat, bos tak ada. Aku bosan, layan Facebook. Buka sana, buka sini. 

Untuk isi masa lapang, aku buka application 'What Does My Birthday Mean'.

Aku masukkan tarikh lahir aku, 21 March. Kemudian keluar..

"You are curious and a true follower. You can please someone so much that it seem like you are trying to charm that person. You hide your disagreement under your smiling face. This is a charming quality of yours. Your Love, You are quite unlucky in love. You are loved by someone you don't like while your dream person is so far away. Your love life is occasionally under turbulence. Sometimes you don't have the clear view of the girl in your heart."

Habis baca, aku cubit pipi. Ingat aku tertidur depan pc dan mimpi siang hari.

Aku pelik sebab apa yang ditulis sama dengan apa yang jadi kat aku.

Facebook ada pasang spy satu dunia ke?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Art Syndrome at Festival Ibnu Sina, Kolej Ke-6, Universiti Malaya (updated with I Heart UM t-shirt design).

There is going to be an outdoor carnival in 6th College Universiti Malaya in January 2009 ala Bijou Bazaar / Threadszoo style.

Details are as below:

Date: 10th (Saturday) and 11th (Sunday) January 2009

Time: 12 noon - 9 p.m. (Saturday)
9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Sunday)

Art Syndrome will be there selling all their brand new t-shirts such as:

1. Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet That Has Me
2. Aku Cinta Muzik
3. Oldtimer Musicians

And I Heart UM is specially designed for this event. So, hurry up and grab it while stocks last.

Some free stickers to be given out for those who come and visit our booth.

See you guys there!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Art Syndrome at Youth'09, PWTC, 9 - 11 Jan'09.

What is YOUTH'09?

It's Malaysia's Largest Youth Lifestyle Festival, based on the success of YOUTH'08, where 20,000 youths came together, participated in over 100 different activities, and sponsors pitched in RM300,000 worth of cash and prizes! The buzz created over RM1,000,000 of media value, and touched the lives of many.

Art Syndrome will be there selling all their brand new t-shirts such as:

1. Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet That Has Me
2. Aku Cinta Muzik
3. Oldtimer Musicians

and many more..

Some free stickers to be given out for those who come and visit our booth.

See you guys there!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bukan senang nak jadi senang.

Tangan lenguh.

Kaki cam dah nak tercabut.

Mata mengantuk.

Otak penat.

Badan letih.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Achtung: YOUTH'09 pass (updated with map).


Again, don't forget to get your free pass for the Youth'09 event @ PWTC on 9th until 11th Jan'09.

By getting the free pass you will not need to line up at the long queue and get an exclusive
YOUTH'09 goodie bag!

Claim the YOUTH'09 pass by clicking on the following link:

What is YOUTH'09?

It's Malaysia's Largest Youth Lifestyle Festival, based on the success of YOUTH'08, where 20,000 youths came together, participated in over 100 different activities, and sponsors pitched in RM300,000 worth of cash and prizes! The buzz created over RM1,000,000 of media value, and touched the lives of many.

Seriously, don't forget to claim the free pass I gave you:

Hurry, before they run out!

See you guys tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sudah tiba masa untuk berjogging.

Balik dari kerja aku check e-mail, reply komen kawan-kawan dekat Facebook. Sedang seronok buat kerja, Far tegur aku. Berbual kosong, cakap pasal malas nak balik UTP next week.

Aku: "Kau balik UTP bila?"

Far: "Aku balik 19 Jan, malam."

Aku: "Oo. Lambat gak. Aku malas la nak balik. Kalau sambung cuti sampai CNY tak leh ke? Ha ha ha.."

Far: "Ha ha ha..Setan kau, janganlah malas sangat."

Aku: "Tengoklah nanti macam mana nanti, kalau rajin aku balik la 18 Jan, kalau tak aku extend cuti sampai CNY la. Ha ha ha.."

Far: "Ok. Ok. Eyh, nak tanya sikitlah.."

Aku: "Apa dia?"

Far: "Aku rasa kau makin GEMUKlah dalam gambar Gtalk kau ni. Ke kau still membesar..?"

Aku: "Ha ha ha. Sial kau.."

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mesej Tahun Baru yang terlambat dua hari dan kenapa aku sayang dia.

Bangun pagi, aku pergi sarapan bersama ayah. Balik dari sarapan, aku bergolek-golek di ruang tamu sambil membaca Budak Getah no. 51 (Dah baca belum? Kalau belum, cepat baca. Ramai lanun-lanun baru yang kuat. Rugi kalau lambat baca!).

Yang aku tahu, seterusnya aku buka mata dan menggeliat, lihat jam tangan sudah pukul 2.30 petang. Lihat telefon bimbit, ada satu mesej Tahun Baru.

"Ini mungkin dah lambat, tapi tak kisahlah. Happy New Year to you. Manusia diberikan hanya satu peluang kehidupan dan kita hidup untuk lakukan apa yang kita mahu. Jangan sesat dengan pendirian yang lain. Jangan terikut dengan yang mengikut. Jadilah diri kita sendiri. We are the leaders. We are the trendsetters, fuck the rest. Live your life to the fullest and be what you have always wanted to be. Love."

Me too, i always love you and this kind of message is what make you special from the others. Hope to see you soon.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A boy and a man, part 2 (which is also the last part).

When he was totally drunk, Rama still talking about a boy and a man with regards to the golf course.

Rama: "A boy only have the passion for one hole but a man have the passion for 18 holes."

Me: *Nodded and laughed*

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A boy and a man, part 1.

Late night before X'mas, Rama told me about the differences between a boy and a man.

Rama: "A boy would resist his lover as the 'bos' in the family. But, a man would acknowledge his lover as the 'bos' in the family.

Me: "Hurm...Why?"

Rama: "That's the difference between a boy and a man, my friend."

Me: *Nodded.*

Selamat Tahun Baru 2009.

Selamat menyambut Tahun Baru 2009.

Semoga kita semua akan jadi lebih baik dari tahun-tahun sebelum ini.

May GOD bless all of us.