Bila papan kekunci telefon bimbit aku rosak, aku rasa runsing. SMS tak boleh dibaca, tak boleh juga dihantar. Nak dail nombor telefon pun menjadi rumit bukan lagi aktiviti rutin yang mudah. Ya, pada mulanya aku runsing. Berpuluh-puluh SMS telah masuk ke dalam inbox tapi tak ada satu pun yang dapat di baca. Mungkin mereka yang menghantar SMS ini tak baca blog atau Facebook, jadi aku rasa aku patut beritahu sekali lagi.
Tunggu sekejap. Nak copy and paste je.
"I am having a problem with my handphone. The phone keypad already kaput. I can't view any messages etc. If you need to contact me, do not message but please dial my number and call. I will buy a new handphone soon (in 2 weeks time)."
Ok. Sambung balik. Ya, pada mulanya aku runsing. Tapi selepas tiga hari berlalu, hidup yang aku jalani terasa tenang, setenang air di tasik. I'm back to where I used to be, the year of 2004, the year where I lived without a handphone but I still managed to do a lot of things without it. I still remember that everytime I went out, I brought an A4 paper full of my friends' phone numbers in my wallet and I will bring it out whenever I need to make a phone call. And, I still remember my friend used to say, "Inilah sim card paling besar dan paling nipis dalam sejarah hidup manusia," but I don't care because I don't feel it is necessary to have a handphone at that time.
Eh, dah jauh sangat merapu ni.
Ok, back to present and reality. I just want to say that currently I feel so damn good. Maybe, I don't need any handpone, now and forever. Hurm...
8 years ago
jgn maen gile.
macam mana aku nk kontek ko syg..
A4 paper with phone num?good idea as backup bile phone rosak.
can't wait for next sem to buy shirts from art syndrome lg.take care and enjoy ur holiday!
jae sep
tokei kut
beli ar weh
at least ko bebas dari bahaya radiasi bbrape hari. hehe! weh...beli la henfon murah sblom dpt yg baru. aku ada 1 tak pkai kat mi kalo ko nak pinjam tp dgn syarat. nak tumpg letak tee?
bizman mcm ko mn blh xde t ssh org nk contact.
wawa. nk iphone satu
boleh. nnti aku kasi pinjam tp kena pulang cepat2 sbb anak sdara aku pon nak pakai bwk g skolah senin ni. nak buat isi air. har3! siyot je pelam masam ni
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