Saturday, May 2, 2009


It's now 2nd of May. Sedar tak sedar, I'll be graduating in less then a month. Masa berlalu pantas, seperti yang aku harapkan. I'm just too tired to live my life as a student at UTP which make it worst, I guess, isn't it? I just want to get out from this small box and get into other bigger boxes which will bring more challenge and excitement. Seriously, I just want to finish study as soon as possible with a hope that I do not need to come back anymore.

Anyway, life is always great for me. I'm feel so happy right now, at this moment. Aku dikelilingi dengan kawan-kawan yang sentiasa ada bila aku memerlukan pertolongan. But, lately, people keep asking me when I want to have a girlfriend. And, to that question, aku jawab, "Just wait and see, it will happen someday, somehow." I believe the moment will come, no doubt.

Iklan di bawah ini sudah obsolete, penyewa telah berjaya dicari dengan bayaran sewa yang paling mahal. Kondo ini akan disewakan kepada kolej yang akan menempatkan bakal jururawat seramai 6-8 orang dalam satu rumah. Hopefully, they are all like angel in heaven. Baru seronok aku mahu datang melawat jika mereka ada apa-apa masalah yang berkaitan dengan kondo yang disewa.

Anyway, I have just coming back from that condo. I cleaned up my condo and my sister cleaned up her condo. But we didn't manage to finish it just now. Esok pagi kena sambung balik sebelum aku balik ke UTP -- "Boleh tak jika aku habiskan sebulan sebelum tamat belajar di KL je?" --

Ouh, yeah. One more thing, I'll be featured in the Star newspaper around May/June. Hopefully, this time around, it'll also featured my face, nak juga rasa jadi celebrity sekali-sekala.


Dyana/Nadia/Dai/dizzy said...

bagitau kalo dah masuk paper.soulmate ade dkt2 je.kite yg tak nampak

Ameirul Azraie Bin Mustadza said...

hehe.ukie bosh! :)

azim said...

konon masih mencarik.
satu malaya dah kenal nama ameirul azraie.
t-shirt i luv jae pun dah sold out.