If you could operate my head and take out my brain, you should see how Isabel had become so important to me within this week.
If you could cut open my chest and take out my heart, you should see how I cry like hell inside myself with a hope that this is not the end of the story that have just started.
Really, I don't want it to end just like that.
I hope, this time, it would be a different story, but then, I think I have been cursed so that I could not have a happy love story.
Gosh. It is really sad. Deep inside my heart, I cry a lot, like hell. Literally.
I think back, again and again. Until I'm tired. I questioned myself. "Is it true that I'm a man who always miss the opportunity when it comes to a cute girl. Why I could not be there, with the girl that I like, at the right place and at the right time?"
Really, I don't want it to end just like that.
I remember, once, I told my friend. "I think, I have been cursed. All the cute girls that I knew before this surely already had boyfriend. And, even how good I treat them, they will only prefer to have me as their good friend not as their boyfriend." And I questioned my friend, "Why it must be that way? Why it could not be another way around? Am I not that good to be loved by a girl that I like?"
Gosh. It is really sad. Deep inside my heart, I cry a lot, like hell. Literally.
With Isabel, I hope it would be a different story. A story with a happy ending. I'm not sure why, but I like her very much. She has everything that I want from a girl.
But, like I told my friend: "A cute girl that I know surely already had a boyfriend. And, even how good I treat her, she will only prefer to have me as her good friend not as her boyfriend." It is the fact that I should learn to swallow, I guess.
Really, with Isabel, I hope it would be a different story. A story with a happy ending because I like her very much. She has everything that I want from a girl. Yeah, everything. No doubt.
Aku bangun pagi untuk sahur. Perkara pertama yang aku buat, capai telefon bimbit dengan harapan ada mesej daripada Isabel. Ada mesej daripada Isabel, aku buka dengan senyuman. Aku baca mesej yang diterima. "Jae, kita berbual cam biasa je, ok? Layan I cam kawan biasa. I rasa bersalah kat my boyfriend. I tak nak hilang dia. I hope you can understand and accept it." Aku balas, "Yeah, sure. Fully understood. You just think about yourself first, ok? I already get used to this kind of situation. And, it is as expected. So, sad that I couldn't have a good girl like you."
Really, with Isabel, I hope it would be a different story. A story with a happy ending.
Gosh. It is really sad. Deep inside my heart, I cry a lot, like hell. Now, it is for real!
8 years ago
sabo je la... nnt ko akn jmpa jodoh ko... xde gune kjr sumthing yg ko xkn dpt... stat looking 4 another 1...
Adoi. :(
kamon bro!! lpas nih kite cari yg lagi comel ok?
lu cepat sgt beb
slow down a bit..
u still have us, jgn sedih-sedih
kitorang pun comel pe?
eh. nani yg gf ko masa kat kmns pegi mana??
nani ke nama dia. aku lupa.
Nak Isabel juga!Hurm..Btw, nani tu dah jadi memori la..
uhuk. sdeynye cte u. jgn sdey2 ok nanti kte kasi coklet :D
sabar je yea, sbb i tengok byk lagi prmp yg ade, and maybe better lg dr isabel. one day u akan jumpa dia jugak. dont worry :) ha. i nak dedicate lagu ni utk u
Untuk Perempuan - Sheila on 7
kalau dgr lagu ni mmg la utk prmp tp bole gak dtujukan utk laki. u take care!! jgn sdey2
alaa jae...
nak lagik siri2 seterusnyeee
jgn stop ekh ekh ekh...
Oh man. I feel so sorry for you. Often the pursuit of happiness is full of pain and unhappiness. You learn to fall and break, pick up the pieces, mend it and try to give it to someone else. You keep it, they break it. The cycle goes on. Life goes on even if we don't want to.
But you know what? Life is immense. You find things often when you're not looking. So be strong. Move on and be bold. It takes courage to pour ones heart out into the open. And that my friend, earns a degree of respect.
haha mmg btol2 lorh kemaruk dgn isabel...sabor jela...better start to searching another gurl...
jae, tamo sedih2.. u ade i juge.. anything just gimme a call ek :P
jae, teruskan menulis plis.. nak lg!!
mungkin sebab asyik mahu yang comel je, sampai yang biasa-biasa (and maybe yang potential) dah tak nampak. hee, good luck in finding one. ramai lagi perempuan lain.
Maybe u takde jodoh ngan si comel.maybe ngan si jelita?.
kamu mmg suka para gadis comel ye..
sy ada ramai kenalan yg comel dan masih single..mahu?
bunga bukan sekuntum.uhuk.
ak dh ckp jae..jgn2..ko dgil..huhu..mari DOTA..Dunia Orang Tanpa Awek.. :P
'mencintai bukan bererti harus memiliki...'
young boy will say..
i love you because i need you
matured man will say
i need you because i love you..
choose whether u want to be a matured man or not..
if u really like her..just let her go..at least she is happy wit sum1 else..mayb u will ave the second chance..and if u ave it..grab the chance fully..everyone will ave their second chance..
true love don't have the ending..trust me...
mencintai bukan harus memiliki..so if she will feel happy, then u shud go with the same way..wah panjang lak ceramah aku..life goes on..u will realise this nanti..trust me=)
wani gaga gugu gege - thanx 4 da song
iteq - siri-siri seterusnya, klu ada aku update,ok?
fali - thanx 4 da beautiful words from u..
shamimi - takmo search dh la..nk stick dgn isabel je.. :p
afiqah - thanx 4 ur concern ;)
anonymous - hurm..(speechless)
dyana - dengan si jelita?(wondering)
cabincrew - wah..gud offer from u..so, nice of u.. :)
anonymous - haha.DOTA?Dunia Orang Tanpa Awek?err..boleh try kot lepas2 ni..haha
missy siti - i choose to be matured man.but can't i be young boy too? :(
yeah.u can be matured and young boy..but dude..when it comes to love just choose to be matured man..
bila dah couple nanti jadi cam budak2 pun takpe..manja je..hahaha..
u r strong guy, u can face this..just move on=)..it's very very hard and ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE..BUT AFTA time is passing by..ur heart will be cured..when u find the other cumil=)
isabel ni.
salam Jae :)
thanks for everything. for being with me while all this while.
want to share smthing with you..
hidup ini adalah untuk mmbuat keputusan. ya atau tidak. betul atau salah. menang atau kalah, itu soal kedua. yang penting kita mencuba.
dia sudah cukup untuk ku. sudah cukup utk membuat aku bahagia tapi esok lusa aku hanya mmpu berdoa utk mmberi yg terbaik dlm perjuangan kami.
memilikimu sebagai seorg sahabat juga sudah cukup untuk mmbuat aku tenang dan gembira. selalu ada bila aku memerlukan.. :)
terima kasih di atas segalanya. Doa saja kuharap dari NYA agar hubungan kita sbgai teman akan berkekalan..
thanks again jae!
hurm..ok..i choose to be a matured man but i'll wait for the second chance :)
eh..ada isabel..hurm..yeah, u r welcome..glad that you are happy.. ;)
ko ade ym die
ko wt status ym link ke blog ko
obviously ko tulis utk die baca kn..
taktik yg baekk.. xpe2 atleast ko cuba "yang penting kita mencuba", kata isabel.
ko da remove ek ko nye chatbox?
xle pkai kn kt utp nih
dedem la. azmi pnya buleh.. huhu
isabel akan sentiasa ada jae :)
Wow, Isabel ada sekali.
sourplum - hehe.first time buat post untuk girl.tp outcome sama je..
anonymous & hariry - isabel mmg sentiasa ade..
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