Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Untuk Isabel.

Isabel, I dedicate this to you. Let her go in peace to see the Almighty. I'm always here for you. Just be strong, my dear.



backspace said...

kesabaran dan pengorbanan adalah satu perkara yang perlu dihadapi oleh semua manusia ok ! semoga tabah !

sourplum said...

jae da mls menulis.. entri pndek2

SafwanIsa said...

what happen?

Demit I miss a lot ur isabel series!!!

wani gaga gugu gege said...

still waiting for her pics~~~

Ameirul Azraie Bin Mustadza said...

backspace - saya sentiasa tabah. tq 4 ur advice.

sourplum - hehe.nnt saya tulis entri pjg2 balik.

safwanisa - i fall in love..

wani gaga gugu gege - i ask her..hehe